Gifts for Clients from the Abilities Network, December 2020
Father Vidal helped Angel from the Abilities Network, as she picked up the Christmas presents donated to their clients.

More gifts!

Baptism of Noah Logan Bernardel, October 4, 2020
We celebrated the baptism of Noah, son of Luthers and Nadege, on Sunday, October 4, 2020. The first baptism we have had since Sister Elena joined us at St. Matthew’s last year! It was a joyous occasion.

Fun on the St. Matthew's Day School Playground
A few spaces remain open in our preschool for children 2-4 years old. Please email stmatthews.admissions@gmail.com or call to inquire (301-559-1100)

St. Matthew's Parish Day School Renovations Complete
A few spaces remain open in our preschool for children 2-4 years old. Please email stmatthews.admissions@gmail.com or call to inquire (301-559-1100)

Food Distribution, June 25, 2020

Food Distribution, June 25, 2020

Palms from some of our Members

Food distribution, May 11, 2020

Black Lives Matter demonstration, June 4, 2020

On August 28, 2019, members of St. Matthew's helped with the grand opening of a food pantry for students at the Hyattsville Campus of the Prnce George's Community College. It is a wonderful cooperative effort. Thanks go to Doug and Rosa from the college, Sister Elena, and our cheering section from the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, Todd Thomas and Lee Mericle.

Rogation Days 2020 and the Past

Maundy Thursday

Bishop's Visit

Celebration of the Ministry of Father Vidal and Rev. Ana

St. Matthew's Day 2015

St. Matthew's Day 2015

St. Matthew's Day 2015

The Rev. Vidal Rivas and St. Matthew's/San Mateo have received the inaugural "Cast the Nets" award for digital evangelism from the Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries of the Episcopal Church. The award was presented at the Nuevo Amancer conference in August 2016 at the Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, North Carolina. The church was recognized for its use of social media in pastoral work, and promoting discipleship and training of the laity in the use of new technologies in order to spread the Gospel and promote a culture of respect, dialogue and friendship.

Father Vidal with the Award

Congratulating Father Vidal on the Social Media Award

In the coming weeks, we as a church family will talk about stewardship which is a central aspect of our lives as Christians. Stewardship expresses a basic attitude of gratitude to God for God’s mercy and many gifts to us.

December 21, 2016 Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Priesthood of Father Vidal Rivas
Everyone is invited to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the priesthood of Father Vidal Rivas! Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 6:30 pm
Todos estan invitados a celebrar el 25 aniversario de vida sacerdotal del Padre Vidal Rivas! Los esperamos el miercoles 21 Diciembre a las 6:30pm

With Laura Stump, Facilitator of Sanctuary for the Diocese of Washington
Topics to be covered:
• Basic information about how people end up in a situation of vulnerability to deportation.
• Why the Sanctuary Movement has been able to protect them.
• Different ways that a congregation can be involved in Sanctuary beyond hosting someone (accompaniment, hosting trainings, being part of a rapid response network).
• How to proceed as a congregation interested in supporting the immigrant community.
Come and be informed about the important role to be played by our church in the current context. In the Parish Hall.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020
4:30 – 8:00 PM, Parish Hall
Pancakes with toppings, Sausage & Eggs
Ages 13-up - $7
Ages 3-12 - $5
Ages 2 & under - free

Lent 2017
St. Matthew’s/San Mateo invites you to its English language worship during the Season of Lent. Join us in seeking to be spiritually restored by turning from our distractions, to following Christ in loving God and our neighbor more wholeheartedly.

St. Matthew’s/San Mateo invites you to its English language worship during the Season of Lent. Join us in seeking to be spiritually restored by turning from our distractions, to following Christ in loving God and our neighbor more wholeheartedly.
From Sunday, March 5 through Sunday, April 2
Worship with Holy Communion, 10:00 am
Lenten theme
“How Shall We Come Before the Lord? Doing justice,
Loving mercy, and Walking humbly with God”
March 5, How Shall We Come Before the Lord?
March 12, God’s People Come Doing Justice
March 19, God’s People Come Loving Mercy
March 26 English/Spanish worship@11:00 AM
followed by ANNUAL MEETING
April 2, Walking Humbly with God

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 2017

Pancake Supper fun in the Kitchen

Great Turnout for the Pancake Supper

Ash Wednesday

Annual Meeting Scheduled for Sunday, March 26, 2017, 11:00am

St. Matthew's/San Mateo Episcopal Church wishes you a blessed observance of Holy Week and Easter 2021
Please note our English language schedule below and come worship with us.
Palm Sunday, March 28 -- 10:00 a.m. in-person at church and online.
Maundy Thursday, April 1, Bilingual service in-person with our Latino community at 7:00 pm. This annual service includes the ceremony of the washing of feet, and administration of Holy Communion. Livestream on Facebook
Good Friday Service, April 2 -- Hour of meditation in-person in the church, silent prayer with organ music 2:00-2:30 pm, Prayer Book Good Friday service, 2:30-3:00pm.
Holy Saturday, April 3 -- Vigil service in-person in Spanish, 8pm, livestream on Facebook
Easter Sunday, April 4 -- Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m. in-person in church. Easter Vespers video with the Choir and Organ, available on YouTube from 3:00 pm
St. Matthew's Parish Day School Registration
Our parish day school is currently enrolling students for the 2018-2019 school year.
Please contact Jennifer Scalise if you are interested in visiting for a tour or see the school's website for information and application forms.

Happy Birthday, Rev. Ana!
We had the pleasure of celebrating Rev. Ana's birthday last week after the 10:00 service.

Happy Birthday, Rev. Ana!

Celebrando el dia de reyes en San Mateo / Celebrating the day of kings at St. Matthew's

Clases de Ciudadania Inicio 23 de enero 2018 / Citizenship Classes begin January 23, 2018

Christmas / Navidad 2019, Holy Eucharist in English, Christmas Eve at 5pm; Service of Lessons and Carols Dec. 29 at 10am

Celebrating the day of kings at St. Matthew's / Celebrando el dia de reyes en San Mateo

Ash Wednesday services
Spanish: 6:00 am, Noon, 7:30 pm,
English: 10:00 am, 6:00 pm
Pentecost celebration, 2019
It is our tradition to have seasonal birthday cakes at our coffee hour after the 10:00 service to celebrate Pentecost. You start out sampling the cake corresponding to your own birthday, then proceed to taste the others. It is always a fun time, with lots of conversation. Here are this year’s wonderful cakes for Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Dedication of our Little Free Library, June 30, 2019
Our Little Free Library was dedicated on June 30, 2019. It is a joint venture of our Episcopal Church Women and the St. Matthew’s Parish Day School.

Food packaging for distribution, May 11, 2020

Distribution of food to 72 of our families, May 26, 2020

Palm Sunday 2018


Blessing of Our New Sign / Bendición del rótulo

Thanksgiving Celebration at the Day School

Whacky Wednesday in our Preschool