Rachel Weeping

The Saint Matthew’s/San Mateo congregation today join others around the world, with Christians in Charleston, Jews in Pittsburgh and Muslims in New Zealand as we raise our voice together to the heavens:

Oh people of conscience, cry out.

Cry out against arrogance. Cry out against hatred and anger. Cry out against violence and oppression.

For God requires us to stand in the name of justice and freedom,

For God requires us to oppose terror, to muster our power and energy against racist aggression

And to protect all houses of prayer.

Oh God, we implore you, look down upon the suffering perpetrated against churches, mosques and synagogues, against house of worship in so many lands,

by the hand of wickedness, by the hand of malevolence, by the hand of ignorance and sin.

Today we remember, with sadness, the attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the loss of precious life.

With you gentle and loving hand, God of Sanctuary,

Unite all of your children under your canopy of love and hope.

Bring the light of salvation and healing to the four corners of the earth.

(shared by Molly Blythe Teichert, Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church)