If you know about fear - and I know you all do - then the Gospel story about Jesus passing through the doors that the disciples had barred after their Master’s death, is for you. It tells us that the Risen Lord loves you, and will stop at nothing to bring you peace and wholeness.
This story contains an important detail. The living Jesus breathes on his disciples. It was like a rebirth. Just as in the beginning, God’s divine breath changed a lifeless earthling into a living being, now the Spirit enters the disciples to transform them into the living, active body of Christ empowered to continue the work Jesus began.
On Easter Sunday, in our worship, we were asked “Do you believe in God, in Jesus, and in the Holy Spirit?” and, “Do you accept God’s dream as a reality to be worked toward?” In reaffirming our Baptismal Vows, we were reminded that the God of all creation has put into our hands the work of carrying forward Jesus’s ministry; we were reaffirmed in God’s dream for peace, joy, reconciliation.
Let’s open our hearts and minds to the blessedness of this reality. We have been reaffirmed as God’s Easter people who bear Christ’s peace and joy into the world.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! We really are the body of Christ, and the breath of the Spirit enlivens us to discover and use our gifts.
Let’s welcome this amazing calling to work on Christ’s behalf in our
hurting world.
In the peace of Christ,
Rev. Ana